Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Animal Project

Some of us are raring to go and are asking me questions all the time about something or another.  I decided to take this natural curiousity and make it into a "project."
So far they have picked an animal to research and told a teacher
A) what they already knew about their animal. ( Some of these are so precious.) 
B) what they want to learn about their animal.

Now I have them sticky note pictures from their "research" books that show something they want to learn.  When I have a chance I take one of the books and read about a couple of sticky notes.  They will tell me what they understand from it. We will do this over the coming weeks in small chunks of time. 

Once it is all done they will make a poster about their animal.  I will help them write the report but they are responsible for telling me what they have learned.  I am excited to see where they go from here. 

We have lots of books that have interesting pictures for them to look at and learn from.

Notice all of the sticky notes.  These are pictures that are interesting to them and they want to learn more from.
So....   if they come home all fired up and wanting to find new information find them a book, an Internet site or even a fact that you know.....  they are good little learners.  Don't overwhelm them.  Give them one fact and go from there.  Have fun with it.  Write down the information and send it to school so they can tell me.

Oh and we cut out our own hearts today..... tracing hearts......... striking fear and grey hairs into the hearts of Kindergarten teachers since 1812 ( or thereabouts)!

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