Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Concert

Thanks to all the parents who came to support the Christmas Concert.  The kids were so excited and I was so proud of them.  They did an excellent job and not much got them fazed though the donkey at the front was a little concerning to some. 
One of the students asked me what the donkey was doing at the front of the gym so we had a little talk about the Christmas story.. so if your child came home asking about Mary and Joseph that is where it came from...
Have a great weekend and see you Monday!

Funny for Friday

This morning as the kids came into the room they quickly noticed that I wasn't feeling good.  They were all so concerned.  One little girl told me that she had her cold still but she felt better.  I then told her, "I got my cold from you."  She looked very puzzled and then replied, "No you can't cause I still have mine." 
Enjoy your Friday.  See you tonight for the concert!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I have had some of the parents ask about lunches and eating.  I try my best to make sure they all eat and then I came across this website.  It is all dedicated to healthy eating for kids even the picky ones.  I have used some of the ideas for my own kids and they responded well to it. 
When you get to the website go to the Kids Blog section.  It is well laid out and has lots of good information. 
Super Healthy Kids
PS - The reason I was missing today was that I had an allergic reaction and had to take medication that knocks me out.  I will be back Monday.
Have a great weekend.