Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Counting to 10

We have nearly finished learning our numbers to 10. These are some of the things that you can do when you count.

  • Show that number on our hands.

  • Find out how many are left until we reach 10 (they look at how many fingers are left down)

  • Draw 10 things.

  • Count 10 things. We have to make sure to count and touch each object as we count. (This is hard!)

  • Draw the number.

If you are looking to increase your child's awareness of number these are some of the things that you can do. Taking time to show your child all the things that you can do with a number makes it all the more interesting!

Remember to have fun with it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Center Time

Many people ask why we have centers? Do they really need to play that long?

As I sit and listen to the children as they work through the centers I see all the things they are learning.

They are learning to get along with others, to plan how they are going to plan and compromise when two people have different ideas, they are playing imaginatively and playing together with others. They are working on fine motor skills, making and creating and playing in ways I have never thought possible. They are learning to clean up when they play and to make sure to do their fair share. And all through this they are talking. Back and forth, discussing and making plans.

I am proud of the gains that the have made already and I love to see them blossoming into exciting little learners.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Funny

I was talking to the students about the sounds of the day which happen to be the c/k sound. I asked them what sound the letter k makes and they all said "k".
"What sound does kleenex start with?"
"K", they all said.
"What sound does the word cat start with?"
One little boy pipes up, "I know, I know!"
"What does it start with?"
"Meow" was his answer.

Once I stopped laughing, I thought, "Different word next time!"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox Run is on Friday morning. If you are interested in joining us we would love to have you. Please be sure to dress your child in layers and in running shoes too. Here's hoping for a great day to walk!

Monday, September 13, 2010

So Far

This year is off to a roaring start and we are already in the midst of learning!

So far this year we have learned the letters S A T I P .
We are following the Jolly Phonics program. The actions that we follow are seen on this site.

As well we are learning and relearning the number 0-10.. Taking the time to play simple counting and number recognition games will help your child with a greater sense of number.
These can include such things as counting utensils for supper or how many socks in the laundry. There are also many math games that can be found to play on the Internet.

Taking just a few minutes a day playing these games or reviewing what they have learned can have big rewards!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Team work

Today the Kindergarten class really worked well together. When something was hard someone else made sure to help. This was evident when we did lacing practice and even when they worked hard to finish a puzzle. This helpfulness is obviously something that is practised at home. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All the students seem to be settling in well and are generally quite happy little people at school. Most of the students called me teacher the first day but have quickly learned what my "real" name is. Here are some pictures of some of the activities we have done so far.