Friday, April 15, 2011


We have been learning about handwashing in Kindergarten and we did a potato experiment last week.  The potato on the right was not touched by human hands and the potato on the left was wellhandled by unwashed Kindergarten hands.   If you want to see some more grossness take a look on my Science page for pictures of washed and unwashed hands and a short germ video!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Something to brighten your day!

I have loved this commercial since I first saw it on TV about a month ago.  Now if we all were like this wouldn't the world be a wonderful place!

Optimism Commercial

Hope you enjoy this gloriously windy Thursday!  (How's that for optimism at its best!)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What to Measure with?

We have been learning about measuring and we use a lot of non standard measurement.  That means we don't use a ruler but rather we use things like paper clips, shoes or unifix cubes.  Today we were brainstorming where it what would be a more appropriate measure - paper clips or unifix cubes.  I quickly realized that they were unsure of where to use each one.  For example they though they could use a shoe to measure a piece of paper and paper clips to measure a vehicle.
So just like the Magic School Bus we were off on a field trip!  They quickly learned that paper clips take forever when you are measuring something big.  But they perservered and discovered it was around 300 paper clips long but only 13 shoes long.  After we were done both they had a better understanding of where each unit would be best used.
Blogger is being painful.  I will try to upload pics later!  Happy Wednesday!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Easter Bunny Art

I wanted to let you see the finished product of the Art from yesterday.  We started with a guided drawing lesson that had them adding the parts one at a time.  When we started the year I would only do with at least one other adult to help me go around the room to make sure the ovals and other shapes we drew with were the "right" size and placement on the page.  Now I can stand and draw the pieces on the easel at the front of the room and they can do it ON THEIR OWN!!  Each one is so different that the other but they are all fabulous in their own right!  You rock Kindergarten!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Peek a Boo I see you!!!!

I am so sorry that I haven't been posting.  My life has been crazy and I haven't made it a priority to post to my blog.  Kindergarten are gettting so capable and when I look back to where we have come from they are getting so BIG and MATURE!

Today we are working on drawing Easter Bunnies through guided drawing.  We have some awesome little artists in our room!  Enjoy a wonderful spring morning!