Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Funny

I was talking to the students about the sounds of the day which happen to be the c/k sound. I asked them what sound the letter k makes and they all said "k".
"What sound does kleenex start with?"
"K", they all said.
"What sound does the word cat start with?"
One little boy pipes up, "I know, I know!"
"What does it start with?"
"Meow" was his answer.

Once I stopped laughing, I thought, "Different word next time!"


  1. HAHA love it. Would like to hear more.

  2. There is always a funny one in our room!

  3. That is adorable, they are so funny at this age. Made my day. Love the blog by the way, what a great idea. Looking forward to many more stories.
