Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Its that time of year again

This is a quick post to let you know that if you know anyone in the area that has NOT registered for Kindergarten in the fall that our Orientation is coming up. 

June 4th.
They will ride the bus that day and get picked up at 11am by parents.
Please have them contact me at the school.

Monday, May 6, 2013

It has finally arrived!!!!

So happy that spring has finally arrived!  Spent the weekend outside for the most part so I have a litte tan. 

Couple of notes for the upcoming days. 
  • Each child must bring to school appropriate outdoor shoes for gym.  Please send a pair of runners so that the kids can practise outside.
  • Be sure to send a jacket for the morning but if today is any indication, the winter boots should stay home and be sure to send them in layers.  It is not uncommon to have the kids change at recess as they are too hot.
  • Please send them a HAT as the sun is hot, hot , hot.  I don't want to deal with sunstroke on a poor kiddie.
I hope you all got my note regarding the Kindergarten field trip on Wed. May 15th.  Please let me know if you have not.