Friday, March 22, 2013

Snow day

These are the days memories are made of. Our parents talked about this and we didn't believe them. But now it's happened to us. Enjoy the time together , take a ton of pictures and go outside and play in the snow.

Report cards are at school. I will try to get them to you this weekend as I am currently stuck at home. Please co tact me privately and I will try to give you the correct time for interviews.

Below are some pictures I took yesterday. These are on the road outside our lane way. I tried to use my ten year old as a reference.
The last one is of a trailer in our yard. More and more of it is missing each time I look

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Visitors

Cute little lambs came for a visit.  Thanks Mrs. S!

This little guy was so cute!  And curious!