Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Morning funnies

Had two funnies this morning and wanted to share quickly. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Terry Fox Run

This morning I talked to the Kindergarten class about Terry Fox.
 I wanted them to understand that he was a real person and this is why we walk. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday lovely Monday!!

Sorry that I did not send a note home today.  We got doing stuff and time ran away from us. I even had some cool pictures to add and they are at school!!!!
So here we go....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Down to Normal

The honey moon period has now worn off.  For some of us it means that they finally feel comfortable enough to talk to me.  For others it means that they are now "letting it all hang out".  Either way it means they are finally feeling like they belong. 
Some of the kids are incredulous that I would ask them to clean up and they keep looking around for the person that should be cleaning for them. It happens every year and I haven't lost one to shock yet!  I am proud to report that they are all able to clean up after themselves now and a wield a rag with the best of them. Some may just need a little more coaching than others...... I feel that children should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves, helping out around the room and generally doing their part in our room.
Sometimes if a situation warrants it I will put a student in time out.  This may happen in or out of the room and it gives them time to cool off or think about how to fix it next time.  I always make sure to chat with them once it is done and ask/tell how it could be better next time. 
They have already changed so much and are starting to learn the routines of the room.  You may have seen that your "baby" is suddenly so grown up.  I know I think that about mine for sure. 
You should be proud of your child,  they are doing their best to be well rounded members of our school community!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Painting? Are you crazy????

Now what sane person would do this?  Paint first thing in the morning????  This teacher!! 

What a great way to start the morning.  We got to paint and the kids did great!  They love to paint and I know as a parent I could think of a thousand things I would rather do with my kids than paint.  Like pull off my toenails or clean the toilet......
But with Kindergarten painting is fun.  They make the same amount of mess if you are painting with one or eighteen so we may as well do it.

And the cutting - oh the cutting.  We are learning to stay on the lines and move the paper not the scissors.  And we haven't cutting anything inappropriate .....yet.  Now I will jinx myself in saying that.

And whoever thought autograph day would be fun with kids who are just learning to sign their names is crazy.  We'll see how well that goes.  
Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Canskate and hockey registration

See the link below for Canskate and Hockey registration.  I know some of you were interested in this so I thought I would send the link.  Great way to get the kids active!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A new beginning! A new year!

I have been a bad teacher blogger.   It has been almost a year since my last post.  It was difficult to spend time adding to the blog when parents professed that they couldn't be bothered.... so I took a break.  But I'm back!!! 
I am really pleased with the little group that I have so far.  They are really keen (most of the time.... if they aren't too tired or the toys aren't calling them). 
We spent some time the first day doing some puzzles.  I love to do puzzles as it shows me so many things:
1. Can they problem solve?
2. Can they problem solve with a friend?
3. Do they see patterns or details?
4. Are they able to work through a task to the end?
5. Do they see geometrically?

I have added some pictures to the end of the post.  I have not added faces to protect my little peeps privacy.

We will continue to do a letter of the day.... tomorrow is Aa.  Don't tell them!  They will have to guess.

Till next time... promise it won't be too long.... good night!